Find Out if You Need a New Roof & Protect Your Home with Home Insurance in Chicago, IL

Keep your home well protected with a sturdy roof and home insurance in Chicago.

The weather is changing, and fall is approaching. Get ready for the winter weather ahead. Ensure that your home is ready, starting with your roof. When it comes to keeping your home in good condition, a well-maintained roof can protect your home from all sorts of damage. Keep your home protected with home insurance in Chicago and see what you need to know about whether or not it’s time to replace your roof.

Signs of Shingle Damage:

Have your roof inspected for any evidence of damage. Any broken, buckled, cracked, discolored, or missing shingles can be a sign that it’s time to replace your roof. At the very least you should have your roof repaired if you have any signs of damage. That way you can prevent and structural or water damage to your home down the line. Additionally, it’s a good idea to check to see if there are any sagging or curved spots in your roof, which indicates that it needs to be replaced.

Damage to Your Attic:

Inspect your attic. If you notice any water damage, it may be due to a problem with your roof. It’s imperative to have your roof repaired before the winter storms hit so that you can minimize any water damage to your home.

Determine the Age of Your Roof:

Over time, general wear and tear on your roof can warrant a replacement. If it’s been a while since you’ve had your roof replaced, consider installing a new one. Depending on the weather you may need a roof sooner than later, but most roofs come with up to a 30-year warranty.

Get the protection that you need when it comes to your home. Stay up on your roofing maintenance and invest in the right home insurance in Chicago. Located in Illinois, Thomas Ward Insurance serves all your personal and commercial insurance needs. Contact us for more information.