About Illinois-Based Thomas Ward Insurance Group

At Thomas Ward Insurance Group, we know the one-size-fits-all approach to insurance doesn’t work. What’s most important to us is to find the right fit for you.

In 1999, Thomas Ward teamed up with Michael Rice to launch the Thomas Ward Insurance Group. Both had been working together previously for a large insurance carrier for several years. And while they were highly successful, their company started rejecting potential clients with increasing frequency. They found themselves having to say “no” to good people who didn’t fit their carrier’s mold. They felt they were not being allowed to provide the kind of quality insurance solutions their clients deserved.

Now, Thomas and Michael, along with their educated, licensed, professional staff, are delivering exceptional value, responsiveness, and coverage to the clients who come to them for answers.

The Hidden Truth in the Insurance Industry

When you work with some of the larger insurance companies—called direct writers—you may not realize that your options are limited to the insurance products that company offers. One-size-fits-all policies may provide coverage that you want, but also some coverages that you just don’t need. Yet, you still pay for the whole package. Additionally, you could have further insurance needs that the company simply cannot fulfill.

What’s more, the agents who work for these companies—called captive agents—are beholden to their own company’s underwriters, sales goals, and claims management policies. As the client, you don’t have a lot of control.

Opportunities Abound With Independent Agencies

When you work with an independent insurance broker, you gain your power back. That’s because, as independent insurance brokers, we work with multiple carriers. We’re not captive to a single company’s rules.

We have the freedom to create complete insurance coverage solutions for you because we can choose from a much wider range of options. And because we have more choices, we’re better able to offer you high-quality, fully tailored policies.

Quality Insurance Solutions You Deserve

Whether you are new to the firm or have been around for years, we at Thomas Ward Insurance Group listen to what you need. First and foremost, our goal is to meet your expectations and guide you in the direction of coverage that best protects you.

We have fostered relationships with 15 different insurance carriers, opening the door to a wide range of coverage options for your personal insurance and business insurance needs.

Meet Our Team

Everyone on our team at Thomas Ward Insurance Group is available to help you. And while we all have our specialty areas, we all work together collaboratively. We’ve found that pooling our resources is the best way to do right by you.

Call for a Free Quote Today

When you’re ready for a free quote comparison, call us at 312.254.1500. We also welcome you to contact our team online to get started.